The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146435   Message #3390270
Posted By: Bobert
14-Aug-12 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sleepwalkin', the fall and cracked rib
Subject: BS: Sleepwalkin', the fall and cracked rib
Oh, fun...

Forgot to turn on the night light last night and woke up about 2:00 this morning having just tripped/fallen and landed on the side of the bath tub right on my rib cage...

I don't need no stenkin' x-rays to tell me what's what... It hurts when I breathe in and quits when I breathe out... I cracked a rib before a long time ago and seems about the same...

Gettin' older sucks... Can't even go to the bathroom without ending up with something broken...
