The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146435   Message #3390567
Posted By: Bettynh
15-Aug-12 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sleepwalkin', the fall and cracked rib
Subject: RE: BS: Sleepwalkin', the fall and cracked rib
Sleepwalking apparently runs in my ex's family. His sister once woke up with a broken nose (probably from a door jamb). At the clinic, they took her to a private room: "It's ok, you don't have to protect him. Tell us what REALLY happened." As a teen, she'd climbed out a window and woke up two blocks away from home.
One of my twins sleepwalked as a kid, but seems to have grown out of it. Walking, talking, getting dressed, opening doors were all possible and he'd be sound asleep. His eyes would be open, making it even spookier. The thing to do was tell him firmly that he's sleepwalking (that'd usually wake him) and lead him back to bed.

So, Bobert, if you actually woke up AFTER you fell, maybe you'd better think about other dangers that are near the bedroom.