The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146441   Message #3390928
Posted By: ChrisJBrady
16-Aug-12 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: Paralympics - Tickets Shame
Subject: RE: Paralympics - Tickets Shame
Some venues being used for the Paralympics have refused to sell tickets to wheelchair users because "we didn't expect any wheelchair users to apply."

This lack of forward thinking is typical of how the whole ticketing fiasco has been handled from day one. Its been about profit, corporate sponsors, profit, corporate sponsors, profit - and s*d the public.

Even the athletes were banned from mentioning their own sponsors like thanking them in public; and those that designed and built the superb arenas and stadia have been silenced too.

But the way the disabled - I prefer the physically challenged - have been treated in the lack of provision for suitable seating at the Paralympics is typical of the way that they are treated by the majority of us in general. Not good.