The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146441   Message #3391668
Posted By: GUEST,Stim
18-Aug-12 - 12:30 AM
Thread Name: Paralympics - Tickets Shame
Subject: RE: Paralympics - Tickets Shame
From this:

LOCOG Assures disabled parents over paralympics tickets

Comes this:

"Locog added that accessible seating is spread around the Games venues and that wheelchair users are not segregated from other spectators. "It is not our policy that wheelchair users can only be accompanied by one other person when attending the Games," a spokesman added."

And this:

"Beth Davis-Hofbauer, a mother of two who uses a wheelchair, also says she was told she would not be able to sit with her children when she tried to get tickets this week. She launched a petition, urging organisers to change their policy, which now has over 30,000 signatures.

However Locog said this was an issue to do with the availability of tickets, rather than whether spectators were in a wheelchair. More than 2.1 million tickets have already been sold for the Paralympics and many sessions are now selling out. Locog said they could not always help everyone sit together in venues with reserved seats."