The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145879   Message #3393184
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Aug-12 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: 58% Say The Rich Deserve Their Wealth
Subject: RE: BS: 58% Say The Rich Deserve Their Wealth
Good points, guys. Money is just a tool to enable other things to be done in this society. If a tool is hoarded and locked away in a vault and not used, nothing useful gets done with it. If a tool is simply used to create more identical tools exactly like itself (more money) nothing useful gets done. The money game in North America, as practiced by the richest people in society, is played not to get anything useful done...but simply to make MORE money for the people at the top of the game...and it also enables them to eat at very expensive restaurants and buy yachts, of course. ;-)

And that's a crime against the entire society. That's the crime Wall Street and the big bankers committed, and they should be on trial for having done it.

Capitalism was supposed to be about creating real goods, jobs, services, education, and social infrastructure for the nation, NOT about inflating phony money bubbles to enrich a few dishonest sharks at the top of the feeding chain!