Do you believe a "seed" the same as a "watermelon"? That an "acorn" the same as an "oak tree"? That an "egg" is indistinguishable from a "chicken"? Do those who believe that zygotes and non-viable fetuses are "children" organize church funerals for miscarriages?
If not, why not?
According to the 2012 GOP Platform, a zygote or non-viable fetus (which has no free will by anyone's definition) always outvotes the pregnant girl or woman who, by any religious definition, *does* have free will and is *made free by God to use it*. And on top of that, the GOP demands a Constitutional Amendment that will say say so (though not, obviously, in quite those words).
If you think abortions are sinful, no law says you have to have one! Either way, the decision falls to the woman involved, who is a person with the power to feel, reason, and act. She is not a *potential* person, with no power to reason or act (or even to feel at an early stage), any more than an egg is a chicken or caviar is a school of fish.