Bill...Rape is a crime under any circumstances, there is no discussion required on that....end of story. The result of rape is sometimes pregnancy ...sometimes not, so the debate moves on to dealing with the results of rape.
The abortion issue. I could write a whole page on this, but as our sensible guest has noted, on this forum it would only cause another "war" as most here are too politically polarised to look at the issue objectively.
In the UK the creation of life is often used as a means of obtaining a better standard of living,to the detriment of the rest of community, not the fault of the young girls invoved, but of society for encouraging the culture where this sort of conduct is permissable.
The same lack of responsibility applies to the termination of new life, this invoves a whole discussion on the function and ethos of motherhood and as any fool can see, on a forum like this that would be well nigh impossible,