The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146525   Message #3394208
Posted By: Bill D
23-Aug-12 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Legitimate Rape'???
Subject: RE: BS: 'Legitimate Rape'???
"I do not have authority to print them here."

You need AUTHORITY to post legitimate facts? wow....

You realize that claims of facts...but no facts... means nothing?

One comment on the article by Dr. Willkie who gets quoted so often and is a major current source of the current misinformation.

He says that is case of a "legitimate rape" a woman is not likely to become pregnant because "the tubes are 'spastic'"
As a medical doctor, he should know that 'spastic' is hardly even recognized as a medical term any more. He intends to say that fear somehow causes 'tightening' of the Fallopian tubes, making it harder for sperm to navigate..... which totally ignores the fact that, as one REAL expert has said..."sperm are really small and swim very well".

THOSE are facts! What kind do you have Ake?