The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146525 Message #3394335
Posted By: Bill D
23-Aug-12 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Legitimate Rape'???
Subject: RE: BS: 'Legitimate Rape'???
from kat's link.. "because abortion occurred mostly on the black market, they were very dangerous: One estimate placed the annual death toll at 5,000 women."
For the arithmetically limited.... that is 13.7 deaths PER DAY.
In the mid 1960's in Wichita, Kansas, I knew a chiropractor who dabbled in being a slumlord...and illegal abortions. I do not 'know' whether anyone died from his work. He was an interesting guy, and quite decent in many ways... and he told himself he was providing a needed service! Because in Kansas in 1963 there was no simple way out of an unwanted pregnancy. No one bothered him or reported him. In 2009, a doctor doing abortions legally and safely was shot 15 minutes from where the guy in 1963 worked 'almost' openly.
You may speculate about what that all means.... I have my opinions.