The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5864   Message #33946
Posted By: Pete M
02-Aug-98 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Coward of the County (Kenny Rogers)
Subject: RE: need lyrics to
Good point Art, I think we would all agree. For myself, it is not the behaviour of the people in the song I was getting at, yes I believe that at times you do have to fight, or to put it another way to put something you believe in above your own comfort or even existence, but, and this is the nub of the argument, the act of fighting does not make you a "man" or the refusal to fight a "coward", frequently its the other way round.

Having said that, as we have discussed previously, I will defend peoiples right to write this sort of stuff and sing it - but I don't have to like it. OK I'll get down of my pole -emic now

Is a polemic higher than a high horse?

Pete M