The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146525   Message #3394931
Posted By: John P
25-Aug-12 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Legitimate Rape'???
Subject: RE: BS: 'Legitimate Rape'???
"As i said before, this is not the place for a serious discussion on abortion......political polarisation rules."

The only reason this has become such a political issue is that so many people want to make laws about how other people should behave. If we get the so-called conservatives out of our personal lives, the issue stops being anything other than an extremely difficult personal decision on the part of a woman who finds herself with an unwanted and/or unsupportable pregnancy. It doesn't matter how the pregnancy was caused. That's not the issue. The issue is whether or not our government has the right to force citizens to adhere to a moral code -- and one most often based on religion -- that is only believed in by a portion of the citizens. It's a privacy issue and a separation of church and state issue.

"Taking responsibility for a situation" can be defined as terminating a pregnancy if termination is the more responsible of the choices. Many, many factors are involved. Trying to say that the only "responsible" action is to bear the child is the same as trying to force others to adhere to a moral and/or religious code they don't share.

To be fair, akenaton doesn't seem to be proposing that abortion be illegal. But since he is putting up the same flawed arguments as the people in the United States who are trying to make it illegal, he's getting tarred with the same brush as they are. The big commonality between him and the American theocrats is the apparent assumption that acting according to his moral code is the only responsible and natural course of action. I can put up with that kind of arrogance in him, since there's no way he can have any effect on anyone's choice -- he's extremely unpleasant to have in a conversation, but not really dangerous. It's the theocrats that are the real problem.