The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146593   Message #3395307
Posted By: Owen Woodson
26-Aug-12 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Prince Harry's bum
Subject: RE: BS: Prince Harry's bum
Forgive me if I've got this wrong, but aren't the royal family supposed to set an example to the rest of this? Is it not a fact that their imagined inviolability, to say nothing of their outrageous wealth, is part and parcel of an alleged selfless sense of duty and a freely discharged obligation to uphold the manners and customs and morals and values of this sceptered isle of ours? And hasn't Harry just ridden a metaphorical double decker bus through such crap?

"They gloom, they glour, they look sae big,
At ilka stroke they'll fell a Whig:
They'll fright the fuds of the Pockpuds,
For mony a bare arse is coming."