The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146525   Message #3395768
Posted By: akenaton
27-Aug-12 - 04:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Legitimate Rape'???
Subject: RE: BS: 'Legitimate Rape'???
Frog prince....I DO understand the issue, even from the US perspective. Simply using abortion as a means of ridding oneself of an in for career purposes, because the child would affect ones lifestyle, or simply being too lazy, stupid or drunk to ensure adequate contraception methods are used, is morally repugnant, irresponsible and a sure sign of society in decline.

To force women to carry a child when it may harm her health, or several other factors like some forms of rape, is just as repugnant.

The problem is universal and compromise is required from both side.

Rape has come to mean so many many definitions....have WE always asked specifically for permission before having sex? I doubt it very much.