The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146627   Message #3396334
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
28-Aug-12 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Church denies new wedding vows sexist
Subject: RE: BS: Church denies new wedding vows sexist
The Sydney & South Sydney dioceses are amongst the most conservative in Australia.

'Submit' vow could fall foul of the Marriage Act I love that Wilcox cartoon.

Letters to the editor & the best one - How can Sydney Anglican men love their wives ''as Christ loved the church'', that is, in a sacrificial way, considering, when Jesus died, the church did not exist (''To love and to submit: a marriage made in 2012'', August 25-26)? The church evolved after the death of Jesus. His followers made the church. The death of Jesus may have been sacrificial, but it wasn't for the church.

Catherine Walsh Ashfield