The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146665   Message #3396868
Posted By: Fossil
29-Aug-12 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young pot smokers run risk of lower IQ
Subject: RE: BS: Young pot smokers run risk of lower IQ
A bit worrying - I find myself agreeing with gnu!

Never been able to smoke dope ( a lifelong non-smoker, I found that I just couldn't inhale without setting off 20 minutes of choking). OK when baked into cakes or the like, but difficult to control the dose and I did make some horrendously bad decisions while having ingested a bit much. Bought a very unsuitable boat while under the affluence, but was fortunately able to get out on a technicality later on.

And that was on good 'ole seventies mellow weed. The new stuff is more like a kick upside the head - definitely makes one more aggressive. Can easily see what it might do to a 15 year old. And like the old stuff, the new stuff is cumulative, takes days and days to clear the system, hangs around messing up your head forever while you wonder what's going on and try to concentrate on the maths exam or whatever.

Young folk should avoid the ganja, that's for sure!