The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146657   Message #3396936
Posted By: MGM·Lion
29-Aug-12 - 07:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: anyone remember green stamps?
Subject: RE: BS: anyone remember green stamps?
Of course not ~~ Emma loves her teddybears,Jemima [Mima] and Juniper [Junie] who sleep with us and watch all the tv we do. Junie has a FatherXmas hat and loves to see people wearing them on the telly ~~ there was a woman in one at Wimbles this year, which turned her on enormous. &, as it is a red & white hat, she is an Arsenal supporter (Gooner) like me; tho Emma supports Chelsea and how we manage to stay married I cannot imagine!

enough whimsy awready, Michael

It is of course beacuse so many things got thrown away that those which survive have any value; so you were doing a public service in being so cavalier in their disposal ~~ mebbe?
