The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146655   Message #3397265
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Aug-12 - 07:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
Things Obama has done that I don't like, Amos? Sure. Dead simple.

- the bank bailout
- putting Wall Street and bankster cronies like Geithner in his administration to help him make financial decisions
- has not closed Guantanamo
- continuation and enlargement of the war in Afghanistan
- enactment of NDAA! (perhaps the worst thing of all)
- drone strikes in Pakistan and elsewhere
- intervention in Lybia
- continued propaganda BS regarding Iran
- continued sucking up to Israel
- and further propaganda BS regarding Syria
- new health care plan which was mostly just a huge giveaway to the private health insurance industry rather than any kind of genuine universal One-payer health insurance plan, such as exists in most modern nations nowadays.

If the Republicans had done any of that, I wouldn't like it one bit. I don't like it one bit when the Democrats do it either.

I'll give Obama this, though. He can talk circles around George W. Bush! I just wish he did something...anything...that was half as good as he sounds when he talks.