The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146655   Message #3397624
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Aug-12 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
To assume that because someone criticizes Obama that he likes the Republicans and wants to persecute gays, give taxbreaks to the rich, oppress women, etc is asinine, Big Al.

Some of us can't stand either the Democrats or the Republicans! Opposing one of them does not equate to supporting the other.

I don't spend a lot of time here going after the Republicans these days, because I have such a low opinion of them that I find them hardly worth discussing. It would be like saying "Aren't rapists and crack dealers terrible?"

And besides...almost everyone here already hates the Republicans anyway. What will it help for me to beat an already dead horse on this forum?

Furthermore the Republicans don't have the presidency right now! They are NOT in power.   Obama is. Therefore Obama is the man who should take responsibility for American foreign and domestic policy and should draw the heat when it's a bad policy. When Bush was responsible for American foreign and domestic policy, I went after Bush. Now Obama is responsible for it...and I don't agree with I go after Obama. It is the man IN power at any given time who really concerns me, not the man out of power.

If Romney were in power, you can bet I'd go after him. At this point I think he's such a complete joke that I can hardly bother working up enough interest to talk about him. He's not dangerous...yet. He will be dangerous once he's elected....but my impression is that Obama will probably be re-elected this time and Romney will lose out.

I'd be happy to see the last of both of them. AND their parties too.