The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146655   Message #3397748
Posted By: Don Firth
30-Aug-12 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
Subject: RE: BS: George W. Bush : A Successful President
L.H. - "Furthermore the Republicans don't have the presidency right now! They are NOT in power.   Obama is. Therefore Obama is the man who should take responsibility for American foreign and domestic policy and should draw the heat when it's a bad policy."

Little Hawk, how can you consider Obama responsible for all of this when the Republican Congress has blocked practically everything he has tried to do?

Keep Obama and replace a sufficient number of Congress members with NON-Republicans. THEN things will start to move.

Don Firth

P. S. One thing that concerns me deeply is that two or three Supreme Court Justices are due to retire within the next couple of years. Congress has to confirm, but it's the President's job to make the appointments. And if Mitt Romney is the President, we'll be in for another even MORE Conservative Supreme Court.

I'm thinking of moving to Sweden if that happens! Beautiful country, great standard of living, nobody's hugely rich and nobody is poor, and they have a lot of regard for their own and other folk traditions. . . .