The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146722   Message #3398784
Posted By: GUEST,nobody in particular
01-Sep-12 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
Mr. Firth, Being from the U.K., I cannot find it within myself to commend the Republican Convention, nor denigrate it.My observation is this: Mr. Romney and Mr. Rand failed to lay out a fiscal plan, which may seem like a disappointment to many, myself included, however, I think this may have been a 'strategic move' rather than an omission.

I say this because. I believe they wish to save it till after the Democratic Convention, and unleash it in the debates. When the Obama machine has been, and is churning out accusations and worthless mudslinging rhetoric, and devoting their time and energies to that, I believe that the Republicans, will be holding back, readying themselves to unleash a barrage of economic and fiscal facts and solutions, on your President Obama during the debates, to make him look flustered, and ill prepared.

If the Democrats wish to succeed, they must back off the nasty rhetoric, and begin and intellectual and workable discussion of solutions, dealing with economics, rather than the emotional highs of a utopian American/Marxist Dream,

Now let's stop the hype! After all, that's what it is.