The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146601   Message #3398871
Posted By: Bobert
01-Sep-12 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another left wing f***kwit with a gun
Subject: RE: BS: Another left wing f***kwit with a gun
Hey, listen folks...

Sawz entire life is spending hours and hours scouring thru everything that you have ever written, here or elsewhere, and take it out of context and throw it back in your face... Yes, it is extremely dishonest but he doesn't much care...

This is what he does... He spends his hours pouring thru everything you have ever written trying to twist those things into an "ah ha, gotcha" moment... I am so on to his shit that he can't pull oit on me anymore... I call him on his dishonesty... It's beginning to work... Of course he will counter with several things I have written over the years but won't put any of those quote in context...

Context is everything... There are many ways to lie... Taking things out of context is lying...
