The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146714   Message #3399233
Posted By: Bernard
02-Sep-12 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: Teaching the A chord (guitar)
Subject: RE: Teaching the A chord (guitar)
Incidentally, I've never found the argument that goes "I have a certificate therefor you are wrong" to be very convincing.

Nor is misquoting someone out of context... unless, of course, you happen to be a politician or a journalist!!

As no-one else in this thread has mentioned certificates, I can only assumed that remark was rather unwisely targeted at me.

Do you have a drivers licence? It's a legal requirement if you wish to drive a car on public roads...

For some odd reason, people can call themselves 'teachers' when they have no formal qualifications. Supposing (and it happens!) a 'doctor' were to do a similar thing?

I merely pointed out that I was awarded a formally recognised qualification earned through years of training. I did not say that it makes anyone else wrong - just that it means I am entitled to speak with an officially recognised degree of authority - rather like an 'expert witness' would do in a court of law.

It's so sad that people post threads to ask for advice, then the usual back-biting slanging matches ensue... if you disagree with what someone has said, there are more intelligent ways of making your point.