The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146309   Message #3400019
Posted By: MGM·Lion
04-Sep-12 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where now Thatcher haters?
Subject: RE: BS: Where now Thatcher haters?
Do you really think the lefties an oppressed minority, pfr? Seems to me that, on this forum at least, they are the oppressive majority and we of the somewhat further right [I wouldn't call myself a 'rightie' exactly ~~ more a sort of floating MOR-er when it comes to politics] the oppressed minority, constantly under self-righteous and priggish attack for having the effrontery to disagree with their arrogant pronouncements. See, e.g., Richard's explicit and barefaced assertion that I 'deserve' to be abused because I won't accept his grotesque premises; which makes me an 'oppressor of the poor' an 'underminer of the welfare state, 'a robber of the poor to give to the rich' [as if ~~ if I could contrive to rob anyone, I should keep it for myself, thanks very much!]. So go on being a lefty - which is not a name, merely an objective category-name which you have acknowledged - and I hope it keeps fine for you.
