The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146722   Message #3400192
Posted By: Bobert
04-Sep-12 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
Subject: RE: BS: Clint Eastwood's Convention Speech
Well, Eb... We are in deep poo... For rigtht now our best chance is to re-elect Obama, hold the Senate and cut way deep into the Republican hold on the House of Reps...

I will be working toward that end real soon... Like knocking on doors...

No easy immediate answers... Just hold off the wackos...

I'm looking way down the road and I think by putting out my ideas it is a way of getting people to really think about long term solutions to a systemically broken government... I mean, my ideas may be extreme but sometimes you have to put out some shock-ideas just to move people toward a little bit of sane government...

I am quite serious and think if more people were to write their newspapers with a similar fix then we might, at the very least, get a Constitutional Amendment overturning "Citizens United" and some sanity in campaign financing...


Yo, Chongz...

I like yer campaign style...
