The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146601   Message #3400201
Posted By: Bobert
04-Sep-12 - 07:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another left wing f***kwit with a gun
Subject: RE: BS: Another left wing f***kwit with a gun
My ex was a karate teacher... I spent lotta time in the dojo... I know my way around Okinawan karate... I didn't much care to test out... I like sparring night... I fully understand block and punch... That is how you defend yourself... Someone want to mess you up you block and punch in combination... You only block yer gonna lose... You gotta stop their punch and with your left arm and then punch with your right... It becomes instinctual...

That's the way I see it... As long as Saws is throwing shit at me it will be block-punch, block-punch and more block-punch...

As for shit??? If he is taking what I have said out of context, that is shit... It is a form of lying... It is dishonest... It is a punch (or attempted punch) and until Saws gets it or get bored with his obsession with me he ain't gonna get no pass...

For folks who don't like this??? I don't like it either... I'd bet that none of you have had a cyber-stalker on your case like Saws has been on mine... He's trying to shut me up... He will lose that fight...

I mean, I am the same person who after being sucker punched in English class by Clarkie Crumbar in English class when he was 17 and I was 14 and he outweighed my by 100 pounds busted on him a week later as hard as my 120 pounds could... Yeah, I got another whup but Clarkie never messed with me again... I ain't braggin'... I'm jusr saying that when Saws quits, I will... He's always the one punching first...

He may not like the counter-punches but tough... Like I said, "block & punch"... Self defense 101...
