The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146601   Message #3400775
Posted By: beardedbruce
06-Sep-12 - 08:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another left wing f***kwit with a gun
Subject: RE: BS: Another left wing f***kwit with a gun

Your implied acceptance of threats and violence, as long as they are against those you disagree with, would be what I expect of a Klansman, not one who claims to have been a supporter of civil rights. Do you not think that those you disagree with deserve the same protection under the law that you would claim for your friends?


As for "1. The fortunes of the multimillionaires and billionaires shall be reduced so that no one person shall own more than a few million dollars to the person. We would do this by a capital levy tax. On the first million that a man was worth, we would not impose any tax. We would say, "All right for your first million dollars, but after you get that rich you will have to start helping the balance of us." So we would not levy any capital levy tax on the first million one owned. But on the second million a man owns, we would tax that 1 percent, so that every year the man owned the second million dollars he would be taxed $10,000. On the third million we would impose a tax of 2 percent. On the fourth million we would impose a tax of 4 percent. On the fifth million we would impose a tax of 8 percent. On the sixth million we would impose a tax of 16 percent. On the seventh million we would impose a tax of 32 percent. On the eighth million we would impose a tax of 64 percent; and on all over the eighth million we would impose a tax of 100 percent."

Factor in inflation- (gold then $35, now 1800) and see what these look like as compared to current tax rates- EVERYONE under $250 million is paying far more right now. Reduce that to the levels here, and I could go a log with it.