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Thread #136420   Message #3400963
Posted By: GUEST,sciencegeek
06-Sep-12 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
A co-worker pointed out an early speech by G W regarding the federal surplus and how they could give back $ to taxpayers and still pay off the deficit. Of course this was before he started 2 wars and let Congress remove many of the checks on monopolies ...

you don't have to pass a law, just take away the funding for the watchdogs.... and put in your toadie to head the Agency.

but speaking as aomeone old enough to remember what the Republican party was like 50 years ago... this ain't the party of Lincoln or even Rockerfeller. They sold themselves to the Conservatives for their votes... and I do not want to be in a land run by Christian fanatics who will deprive women of basic rights while protecting child molesting priest ( yeah, Catholic Bishops, if the shoe fits take it out of your mouthes)or rave about the sanctity of life but once that kid is born leave them and the family to make do as best they can. Right to Lifers want to impose their way on everyone else.

Someone call up the spirit of George Orwell... let him know he was right.