The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146893   Message #3402357
Posted By: GUEST,old git
10-Sep-12 - 07:20 AM
Thread Name: Did you enjoy Whitby?
Subject: Did you enjoy Whitby?
Just returned from holiday to find my original thread had been hi-jacked by a huge thread creep which may have put some people off commenting. So what were the highlights of your week? No personal attacks please!
Here is my original posting..................

Back from a great week at Whitby...songs,beer and friends old and new...priceless! Thanks to everybody who gave "Icebound" such a great reception and sorry to all those who couldn't get in!
I also enjoyed the rest of the week ,whether performing, MCing , running singarounds or just joining in impromptu sessions. Where did the week go? Here's to next year!
Oh..and congrats to Jim and Graeme's maritime sessions for raising such a large amount for the Whitby Lifeboat. £3113!!!
geoff t