The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146893 Message #3403278
Posted By: Mick Tems
12-Sep-12 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: Did you enjoy Whitby?
Subject: RE: Did you enjoy Whitby?
Just to tell everybody: Folkwales Online Magazine is out, with Mike Greenwood's Dancewales column focusing on Dawnswyr Aberesc's visit to Whitby (with pictures - our grateful thanks to Bill Rich.)
Whitby Week is always fabulous; we saw the wonderful Melrose Quartet, Taffy Thomas, Alison McMorland and Geordie Macintyre, John Conolly, Pete and Sue Coe, Lynne Heraud and Pat Turner, Johnny Dyer & Vicky Swan, Nick Hennessy, John Kirkpatrick... we didn't see The Wilsons (although Tom popped in for a pint and a meal while we were in The Granby), Martin Graebe, Steve Gardham, our friend Alma, the breathtaking Grace Notes, Johnny Handle, Alistair Anderson and the Whitby legions of folkdom.
We didn't ride the North York Moors Railway last year, but this year we spent our free day down at Whitby station, seated in a corridor carriage, as 4-6-0 The Green Knight and a Urie 4-6-0 took us all the way to Pickering - well worth the money!
...and I DO love fish and chips, for which Whitby excels.