The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27659   Message #340378
Posted By: John Hardly
14-Nov-00 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: Not music-U. S. Political
Subject: RE: Not music-U. S. Political
...Shouldn't be able to view it both ways. Either both Limbaugh and the mainstream media lose credibility for calling a race "To close to call", or "Probably not as close as predicted"--in Limbaugh's case the latter error, in mainstream media's case the former (they said the '80 race was just to close to call), or neither loses credibility for making an educated guess.

...shouldn't be able to have it both ways. Either what a man did in his distant past does or doesn't matter. If Clinton's past was irrelevant to you then Bush's DUI should have been too.

The party with a history of not allowing their own to have it both ways is the Republican party. THEY forced Nixon's resignation (when Goldwater et al visited the White house and informed Nixon that it was over). Gingerich and Livingston resigned because they knew the REPUBLICANS would NOT defend their immorality. The Democrats, can point to none of their own that they finally found untenable to defend from scandal. Wright and Rostenkowski (the only dems I can ever remember facing the music) were forced out by majority votes.

There is no controlling legal or logical authority and, unfortunately, that is the only thing that affords us our peace.
