The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146309   Message #3403823
Posted By: GUEST,achmelvich
13-Sep-12 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where now Thatcher haters?
Subject: RE: BS: Where now Thatcher haters?
while thatcher may not have been directly involved in the hillsborough tragedy and cover up, maybe you are forgetting the prevailing climate back then. she was explicity responsible for encouraging the idea of a 'them and us' society and derided anyone not of her liking. from 'wets' in her own party to trade unionists, the unemployed, football fans, scots, northerners and particularly scousers could be labelled 'the enemy within' and their interests discounted. the shocking headlines could not have appeared without the tacit encouragment from murdoch and the government of the day.
we have seen (from successive governments) a tolerance of some very dubious activities by the police on many occasions and i really cannot remember any convictions appropriate to the seriousness of some of the offences - the Ian Tomlinson and Jean Charles de Menezes killings being recent examples. nor should we forget Blair Peach.
in all these and other cases the understanding of what actually happened has only been won after a long, hard fight by the families of the victims. understanding though is still a long way from justice.
thatcher was happy to offer support to her friend pinochet - a proven mass murderer - with no sympathy for the victims of his well-documented brutality who were -of course- not 'our' sort of people. unlike pinochet, murdoch, reagan and the rest of her ghastly crew.