The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27252   Message #340442
Posted By: Jacob B
14-Nov-00 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: A few kind words for Peter Johnson?
Subject: RE: A few kind words for Peter Johnson?
As one whose life was touched by Peter, I can say this: Peter put on concert after concert, always showing wonderful taste and judgement in choices of performers and his pairings of main and opening acts. He developed a following of people who came to trust his judgement, and who would go to hear a performer they had never heard of because Peter gave the performer his recommendation. Because of him, many people came to know and love types of music they would otherwise never have heard. As audience members came to meet each other, both at the concerts and at the after-concert music parties that Peter organized, the concert following became a community, and this folk community remains strong today, enabling Boston to support a quantity of folk music that is unmatched anywhere else in the country, and enriching the lives of thousands.

I can picture Peter now, standing at one of those music parties, hand on his ear, eyes closed, leading the singing of "Roll, Alabama, Roll." I wish him all the best.

Jacob Bloom