The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146699   Message #3404587
Posted By: GUEST
14-Sep-12 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'NoTravellers'common UK sign?
Subject: RE: BS: 'NoTravellers'common UK sign?
"If the British people are "deeply racist" and other people are not, it REQUIRES an explanation.
Who on earth said other people are not? I have no experience of other people's racism - it isn't an issue here.
I am talking of my own experiences and my own knowledge of racist Britain.
I have made a few suggestions, but have mentioned neither culture or genes; you are the only one to make such sweeping racist generalisation - are you really incapable of addressing a question honestly?
"Powell attacked "the establishment" and "the establishment" rejected him."
Powel did not attack the establishment - he was part of the establishment and had many supporters from that establishment - he was forced out when he became an electoral liability - there has been a somewhat splendid documentary on him on the BBC within the last 6 months.
Ironically, he found a spiritual home in sectarian Northern Ireland.
You have a whole load of examples of British racism - address them.