The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139445   Message #3405785
Posted By: Gurney
16-Sep-12 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Good Results w/ Old Equipment - Turntables
Subject: RE: Tech: Good Results w/ Old Equipment - Turntables
Sage, you asked if anyone is still using turntables: Yes, I have a big linear-arm Pioneer that I have had for 27 years, and it is still in VGC. Diamond styli make a difference, and it cost more than a weeks wages once.   
For re-recording LPs to CDs, I'm using a new cheap Optimus which has a pre-amp so that it plugs straight into the computer sound-card. Nothing like the same quality as the Pioneer, but when the LP collection is 'done,' it will be surplus, and it sounds just as good anyway!