The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147007   Message #3406508
Posted By: JohnInKansas
17-Sep-12 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Belief in Evolution vs. National Wealth
Subject: RE: BS: Belief in Evolution vs. National Wealth
Without thinking all that much about it, my "first shot" at the graph linked in the first post would be that those interested enough in education to at least think they understand evolution (or most other well-founded science) are too busy with what's interesting than those who terminate their education (and thinking) when they figure out how to scam their first few bucka and learn "the joys of acquisitiveness." (a.k.a. greed?).

Perhaps it is worth mention that I've known several "science superstars" who were exceedingly poorly educated about much of anything except their chosen field.

"Learning more and more about less and less until we know everything about nothing?" - But is that all bad?

On the other side, the theories of evolution extant include the argument that most members of a colony (social order?) only need to learn (evolve) what is needed for their own survival within their environment so if you're surrounded by the Taliban (of any religion) it's probably safest to believe as they demand; and if you live among thieves it's probably better for your own survival if you learn a little of how to steal.(?)
