The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147072   Message #3407175
Posted By: GUEST,Nick Dow
19-Sep-12 - 03:44 AM
Thread Name: Nick Dow and Gillich at Cleckeaton
Subject: Nick Dow and Gillich at Cleckeaton
Just to publicise and invite you to a charity gig on September 29th at the Ex-Servicemans Club. Janice Minich xplains the charuty thus....

The charity, St. George's Crypt, is run by volunteers who offer a hot meal and showering facilities to the homeless in Leeds.
They provide food, shaving, showers and toothbrushes/paste to the homeless to help them feel a bit better when they want to drop in.
They rely totally on donations, we also have collections at harvest time of tinned foods for the crypt. At harvest time last year they were down to their last few tins of beans, no razors or soap, prayed for help and half an hour later our local rep turned up with a car full of everything they needed which all our churches had collected. It was brilliant timing!
So, if we can raise a few hundred pounds for them, they can buy as they need.

The gig is myself and Gillich and entry is £5-00 I'll try and bring some painted stuff for sale as well. Gypsy and Narrowboat style.
kind regards