The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145879   Message #3407914
Posted By: Donuel
20-Sep-12 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: 58% Say The Rich Deserve Their Wealth
Subject: RE: BS: 58% Say The Rich Deserve Their Wealth
When Mitt Romney spoke to billionaires, he seemed more relaxed and fluent than ever. His truth rolls off his tongue without effort.

By the way, being a billionaire today is no big deal anymore.
10 years ago the Fortune 400 cut off point was 75 million.
Now it is 1.1 billion dollars.

Today the top 400 wealthiest people amount to over 3/4 of one trillion dollars in liquid assets.

Wall St traders calls small investers suckers, grandmas, muppets and other disparaging names that reflect their true attitude.

So when Romney says what amounts to "Those people who expect entitlements and giveaways of Food, life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness, you name it, are parasitic takers bringing our America down" you can tell he feels this to be true to the marrow of his bones. To him American exceptionalism means wealth and power to all except "those people who have always been such losers".

The America he knows is the exclusive America - it excludes anyone without huge sums of cash in which he may have some trasactional benefits to pursue.

I thought Bobert was one of a very few "comrades in opinions" but I have recently re-read posts by Jack the Sailor and am delighted by the clear genius, humor and POV . Perhaps I stopped looking close at his posts due to some derogatory remark or joke that was misinterpreted. I then noticed I had several other false predjudices regarding other folks I had unfairly judged to be beyond redemption in this life or painfully dull. But I guess that is just Spaw's charm;\