The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146309   Message #3409512
Posted By: ollaimh
24-Sep-12 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where now Thatcher haters?
Subject: RE: BS: Where now Thatcher haters?
thatcher was a classic british militarist, british soldiers have brought war to almost every corner of the globe and she was in that tradition. they continue to take every opportunity to punch above their weight by tagging along with the new militarists running america.. she introduced torture as an official practice, waterboarding and the like, and deindustrialized te country. she was at the start of the financialization of the economy, which has exported manufacturing and allowed he financial sector to run all and everything even the money supply, which makes the financial sector control fiscal policy.

this strategy works so long as others around the world use your financial markets and traders, we are now seeing the beginning of the end of that. the consequence is the loos of skills and plants which could start up if they hadn't been gutted/

in addition thatcher ran real economy deficits. she paid for them with oil revenues. now the oil revenues are in decline and the deficits are back in force.

the whole neo con hayak inspired theory was a crock , a smoke screne to hide the destruction of those who oppose the supre rich, unions, and oh yeah, the people!!

its all about keeping control of governemtn out of the hands of the people