The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10463 Message #3409756
25-Sep-12 - 01:17 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: song from 'Cool Hand Luke': Plastic Jesus
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: song from 'Cool Hand Luke': Plastic Jesus
i don't care if rain's or freezes long as i got my plastic jesus riding on the dash board of my car comes in colors pink and pleasant glows in the dark cause it's irredessent take it with you when you travel far get yourself a sweet madona dressed in rhinestones standing on a pedestal of abalone shells doing ninety and i ain't scarey cause i've got the virgin mary assureing me that i wont go to hell get yourself a sweet madona dressed in rhinestones standing on a pedestal of abalone shells doing ninety and i ain't scarey cause i've the virgin mary assureing me that i won't go to hell.