The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131018 Message #3410262
Posted By: Stewie
26-Sep-12 - 12:59 AM
Thread Name: Slim Dusty and Australian Folk Music
Subject: RE: Slim Dusty and Australian Folk Music
In the 60s and 70s at least, he was uncrowned king of the Northern Territory outback with his songs on every roadhouse jukebox. Country folk, stockmen and Aboriginal people loved his music. I recall a Gold Rush Folk Festival in Tennant Creek back in the 60s. The main concert was in the CWA Hall which had windows adjacent to the main street. An Aboriginal man shouted through a window 'Can you sing "Trumby"'. I always thought that the Aboriginal ringers' love of this song was ironic given that the song was essentially racist: 'His skin was black but his heart was white and that's what mattered most'.