The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27727   Message #341061
Posted By: Max Tone
15-Nov-00 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: SCOTTISH meet details : Leadburn 18th
Subject: SCOTTISH meet details : Leadburn 18th
After checking with Jock Morris, here's the plan.

MEET at my place in Auchendinny anytime Sat. lunchtime onwards (details below). Get settled, sort accomodation, dump swag, session through the afternoon until everybody's turned up and head for the pub about 8pm. (bring carry-outs- although there will doubtless be a run to the offy at some stage!) We could eat here or head to the pub a bit earlier for a meal - feedback, please. Any vegetarians need catered for?
I got given a brace of Pheasants a day or so ago, so could do a Sunday roast!

TRANSPORT:- A minibus drops off the usual sessioners at the pub about 8pm. We could book it to come back and fetch us c. 8.15, and do a return run at shutting time. Price dependant on numbers, but should be under a fiver. Alternatively, we could drive up, and book just the return trip on the bus, or......somebody stay sober!

NUMBERS:- It's kinda important to get a good idea of numbers -- beds needed, food, seats on the bus, etc.
Please sign up here!
I forgot to look at the old thread, but from memory, we've got:-
Calach (+ friends?), Scabby Doug, Jock Morris, myself, Tattie Bogle (Sunday only), Wavestar?
Any more out there?
Take A 701 (Penicuik/Peebles) road from Edinburgh, or from city bypass (Lothianburn or Straiton junctions). After Noble's garage and the Countryside Inn (on right) the A 701 veers to the right and becomes dual carriageway. The slip road for Auchendinny is to the left just as the bends starts. Go right through the village. 150 yards after the second traffic lights, there's a pair of stone gate pillars wi' balls on top, on the left, just after a white cottage, and just before the speed de-limit signs. Turn in here and mine's the wee hoose on the right of the big yin at the end of the drive, but park outside the left hand house. My front door's in the garden, not on the end of the house.
Anybody arriving after 8pm:- same as above, but instead of turning in to the house, carry on 5 miles to Leadburn (at junction of A 701, A 703, A 6094).
By BUS ---Loads from Edinburgh to Penicuik. Get off at the precinct and phone for me to come and fetch you. Only Auchendinny bus is the 315 and hoof the last half mile. After 8pm, take No. 62 to Leadburn.
Any queries tel/fax 01968 676251
