The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28655 Message #3411435
Posted By: GUEST,Sandy
28-Sep-12 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Swinging on the Outhouse Door
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Swinging on the Outhouse Door
In the 1960s in Massachusetts, we hooked it up with, "I Wanna Man",and it went like this: I wanna man, I wanna man, I wanna mansion in the sky. I wanna neck, I wanna neck, I wanna necktie for my guy. And when the dam, dam, dam, dam, damage is done, Home to mother I will run, with my child, with my child, with my childhood memories. And there was granny, swingin' on the outhouse door. Without her nighty. Waitin' for the garbage man. He had her nighty. Wrapped up in a cellophane bag.