The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27726   Message #341185
Posted By: Jim Krause
15-Nov-00 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: reinstatement of US colonial status
Subject: RE: BS: reinstatement of US colonial status
1. It's a deal provided you look up "antidisestablishmentarianism."

2. How would you know? A Cockney can't understand a Highlander anyway, so what's the difference?

3. See above

4. We'd prefer Irish

5. Deal, that is if you Brits learn ALL Woody's verses to This Land Is Your Land

6. You leant to play baseball and it's a deal. We could have a real World's Series, then.

7. No deal. Too expensive, and besides, it would absolutely ruin NAFTA.

8. Agreed, if we get Guy Faukes Day off instead.

9. They're mostly Japanese. Take your complaint to them.

10. The Mafia Soddy