The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9501   Message #3411984
Posted By: ollaimh
29-Sep-12 - 11:14 PM
Thread Name: Songs of emigration
Subject: Lyr Add: GOING DOWN THE ROAD (Bruce Cockburn)
don't forget canadian internal immigration. and let me tell you, in ontario nova scotians and new foundlanders are treated like any foreign immigrant. so i nominte bruce cockburn's }going down the road"

in the isle of cape breton my father did toil
and his fathers father before
fishoing the bankd and digging the coal
in the mines that don't give no more ore

so i'm going down the road boys
seeking what i'm owed
and i know it must get better
the farther down i go

i remember the fishing boats nets full of silver
when fishing was always the best
but they could not compete with the fireigners fleet
so its welfare relief or go west

so i'm going...

we came to the city with the sun in our eyes
our nouthe full of laughter and trust
but asll that we found there was concrete and dust
and hard times sold in vending machines

so i'm going....