The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147254   Message #3412145
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
30-Sep-12 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Grumpy about Spelling Errors
Subject: RE: BS: Grumpy about Spelling Errors
gnu, it's called 'Support Chief Raoni' has over 23,000 people on it and over 10,000 'talking about it'....

Just so's you know, Brazil announced just the other day that they're going to be building a further 23 dams in the Rainforest shortly (over 60 planned in total)..that's on top of Belo Monte, of course, the third largest dam on the planet, being built *illegaly/ilegally/orevenillegally* by the corrupt government of Dilma Rousseff....

But hey, never mind, for when they've dammed the last river and cut down the last tree we can all sit around debating whether the guy with the Chainsaw yelled out "Fuck it's the last tree!" "Fuck it, its' the last tree" or "For FUKS SAYKE WHAT HAVE I DUN??!!!"


And here, just for the perusal of you all, red pens at the ready, is a translation from the desperate appeal by the 13 Fishermen who have been holding back the ferries taking equipment to blooy Belo Monte!

From Amazon Watch: Letter from the 13 fishermen

"We, 13 fishermen reunited on the Isle of Cotia, speak here of our resistance in defense of rights for all of us. We seek to once again urgently ask our fellow fishermen to unite with us and be present in person to give support in the struggle for their rights, as we have thus been fighting.

Through the love of God, we call to everyone so that they come to meet us and join us. For the love of their children and grandchildren, that they resist in defense of their right to fish, before it is too late and the Xingu no longer has fish.

We anxiously await your arrival to join with us, with the strength, the courage and the faith of everyone, to finally be able to act to guarantee that we are heard by Norte Energia, by the Belo Monte Construction Consortium and by the Presidency of Brazil.

We call also to the indigenous peoples throughout the region to unite with us in this important struggle. And to all those affected who are able to come to the Isle of Cotia, we ask that you come as quickly as possible. And that all of us stand together at this time.

We thank all those who have supported us and those who will support us in this cause, for all of us."

The 13 fishermen.

Altamira, September 28, 2012<<<<<