The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146973   Message #3413419
Posted By: Joe Offer
03-Oct-12 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Why (why so many active requests?)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Why (why so many active requests?)
SRS is talking about my American Songbag project. I'm trying to ensure that the Sandburg versions of all the songs in that book get posted, and everyone is welcome to help out. Sooner or later, I'd like to have MIDI versions of all the tunes, too. In this case, I've been posting the Sandburg versions in existing threads on the songs I'm posting; but sometimes I will post all the songs from a single source in a single thread (too many for that in this project). If at all possible, I avoid making one-message threads and I do my best to find existing threads for posting additional versions of songs [On the other hand, it's a problem when people post unrelated songs in a single thread]. I put ADD or lyr ADD in the message title, plus the title of the song in Title Case, never ALLCAPS.

Here are the song-posting instructions that are posted in the FAQ: When I find lyrics posted in the forum, I standardize the format and make the title bold, so it's easy for the harvesters to find them. I don't "bold" the title for lyrics that are not ready for harvesting or that are incorrect, incomplete, undocumented, or duplicates of what we have already.
