The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27575   Message #341419
Posted By: Little Robert
15-Nov-00 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: Robert L Johnson's say's hello - 2
Subject: RE: Robert L Johnson's say's hello - 2
Hello Everybody!!!!!Sorry......I know it's been a few days since I last posted. I've been alittle busy.....I don't have a personal computer of my own yet.......I currently do all my surfing at the public library....that is why my postings seem eratic.

Anyway, I think it would be a good idea not to start a new thread. I'll just continue to post to (RJ2)......that way no one will stumble onto this by accident. Only those who are really interested will be able to locate it.

We got a settlement offer from the other party.......(we turned it down). It's not nearly enough to cover expenses already incurred. I think they just really want out from this......but they really have to make it worth our while for us to (go away). However, it still wouldn't change the facts. We would only be saying hey.......this thing could drag on forever and ever (and for sanity's sake).... lets come to some kind of mutual agreement. More than money is a stake here.......(it's heritage) family's heritage......unfortunately, others have, and continue to, benefit from it. Sometimes I feel like throwing in the towel......but so much work has been put into this thing. If I quit......I would be quiting not on myself.......but on my grandmother and all the family members who have passed on......who no longer have a voice. (I)am their voice now......and I will not be able to rest until the world hears what they have to say......... continue to answer some of the questions that was asked (How did my grandmother feel about how RJ's music impacting the world). Unfortunately she never got the opportunity to see the totality of it. She never got a chance to see the accountings of the income that was being generated from all over the world. I, and my aunt, however, was blessed to see it. But my grandmother loved her brother for a much different reason. She loved him (first) because she helped raise him (being the older of the two). It was the custom at that time that older siblings care for the younger. She loved him because she grew up with him.....helped him make his first guitar......she probably even encouraged him to play and watched him grow into a fine musician. As a child I would see this proud smile come to her face as we would listen to my uncle's music. She loved her brother very much........and she was very very proud of him.......because she knew him.....grew up with him......knew his failures and accomplishments.....and to hear his music would bring her dear beloved brother (in her mind) back to life again.... She loved him because he was her brother.......and she was pround of him because he accomplished and lived the life he wanted to live...

Well guy's....I'm going to have to go for now......until next time......take care and God Bless You!!!!(Smile)

Always..Little Robert.