Dear Sean,Tá mo chleamhnas 'a dhéanamh inniu agus inné - In the other version I know, the phrase used is "Tá mo chleamhnas déanta ó arú aréir" = A match was made here last night - which really should read 'night before last'. I think you'll just have to chalk the translations up to poetic licence.
Ach fuigfidh mé 'mo dhiaidh í, 's rachaidh mé leat féin, Síos fána coillte craobhaigh - "But I will leave her behind and roam the through the forests" (coillte craobhaigh = branching/spreading woods/forests). I've also seen the phrase translated as "... and roam the wide world over." Again, chalk it up to poetic licence and don't sweat the small stuff.
-- Áine