The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146384   Message #3415180
Posted By: Tinker
05-Oct-12 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway 2012
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway 2012
I woke up on Tuesday with a major cold which when added to the nigh on sleepless nights left me in a fog the last few days.   Yesterday we discovered a nick in the break line that required immediate attention. Finally I think I'm processing what happened nigh on a week ago.

There is something nigh on magical that occurs Friday night when you walk in and make eye contact across the room for the first time. Time and travel weariness slip away. Hugs and smiles and connections which may have been put on hold for a year or more are instantly back in place. Brigadoon only appears every hundred years, but Getaway holds open the door once a year and beckons us to enter once again.

Kendall (and his infamous leather jacket) definitely rate the warmest of welcomes. I got myself some leather on leather hugs and cuddles to set the tone for my weekend. Thanks Jacqui for sharing an amazing man. Then it seemed as if conversation after conversation just picked up where it last left off ... you all know who you are.

Peace cabin music just keeps going and the cast of players seems to expand each year. I know I went to bed before the sun on Friday,but I have no memory of actually leaving the music. In fact Saturday flowed into Sunday as we stayed awake to greet the sun. omewhere in the wee hours I actually found my voice and sang several songs that were not BOB..... seems my voice is returning. There was a magical moment on the dock as Claire and I sang to the setting full moon and rising sun. We began in a silent dawn and as the last note drifted the birds of the sky joined in the song.... And then our Peace cabin pals tromped along singing Red Rubber ball ... head shaking giggles.

Lots of moments still to process. Watching Kirdon run and ramble with the other kids across the camp made me shake my head a couple of times, How could no time have passed when clearly time had marched on...

And Sunday night in my sleepless haze there was a post concert moment in the retreat center when several of us added our voices to Fred and Julia's singing a song about parted lovers and a carved wooden door. Twas one of those moments when the harmonies transported to a small and shining glow.

Oh and skyping with KT and Ebbie at random times and places over and over thanks so much Celticaddict for keeping us connected.

KT --- I laughed with my boss about not needing an extra day off enjoy my morning coffee on the shore.....