The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147469   Message #3417488
Posted By: MMario
10-Oct-12 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Parody: Ghost Knitters by the Road
Subject: Lyr Add: Parody: Ghost Knitters by the Road
I sang this is the songwriters workshop at FSGW Getaway 2012

Some fiber folk went out to KIP One bright and sunny day
Upon a bench they rested, nearby a public way
When all at once there gathered there in just a little bit
A crowd of nosy tourists to watch those crafters knit.

Ghost knitters by the road

Their needles were on fire and the yarn it shone like steel
As yard by yard of knitting, began to fast unreel
A bolt of fear ran through the crowd, as the row it neared the end
'Til the needles were revers-ed; and began to knit again.

Ghost knitters by the road

Their eyes were blurred, their fingers cramped,
their shirts were soaked with sweat
They're knitting hard to finish soon but they ain't finished yet!
For they're doomed to knit forever on that bench out by the road
With their Navajo plied bison yarn....
that they hand dyed with Woad!

Ghost knitters by the road